Sunday, January 4, 2009

A week with Cloe in brief notes

Lucern Lion - heaps of snow everywhere ( Ironically not in Lausanne for Christmas)
Train from Lucern to Laussane
Cloe meets us at the train station
Cloe takes us to her school to photograph her project
We bore her with our photos of everything, including our wedding
Cloe has no food, so its pasta for dinner
I make pancakes for breakfast
Christmas shopping with Cloe, European styles
Lausanne Cathedral (before we are over cathedrals later in Italy)
Bank issues (no pin on our Visa, no microchip on our Visa, $15 bank fees in NZ for using
Eftpos to get cash out every single time! Damn you ANZ! I'm switching to Kiwi bank!)
We met Cloe's little brother and his new girlfriend
We went to MIGROS (Swiss supermarket. YES! they have them here!)
Dinner: Rosti (Traditional Swiss meal of potatoes...MIAM!), 5 different kinds of beer to
go with our 5 different kinds of stinky as cheeses
Meet Cloe's flatmate Cecilla who gets confused by all our crazy New Zealand stories
and language
We go to Geneva!
have pancakes in the park
go to the Calvin Museum
Go to the Wall of Reformation
Andrew was getting grumpy so I sent him to the Pool for a swim, While Cloe finished her Christmas shopping and I watched Heroes on Cloe's computer
Dinner: leftover Rosti with more potatoes and more cheese!
Then Cloe introduced us to a cool TV show called "Eureka!"
Wednesday: Took the little BAM train to Reverolle (Cloe's Village where her parents live)
We scammed a car and went to Chateau Le Chilion.
We went to IKEA
Had an awesome Christmas dinner: Fruit punch with Rum, Clairette De Die (Sweet type of Champagne) Puff pastry shapes which included stars and mini Croissants, Entree: Puff pastry with scallops in creamy sauce with orange juice and sweet white wine Sereved with the Sweet white wine to complement. Then Duck in a cream sauce with Fetttuchi served with red wine to complement. Then Mango ice-cream with merrange and dates served with a "digestive" Prune liquor that took the lining off my stomach. All prepared by Cloe's dad. His one and only official "cooking day" of the year.
Presnet dishing where we got a sack of Chocolate (1.5 kg to be precise) and a book on Swiss design from Cloe's parents and from cloe we got a head masager a swiss pealer and 2 little red Moleskene diaries.
Then cookies. 15 differnt christmas cookies to be exact made by Cloe's mum and coffee. Adri nearly died from all the food
Went home and slept like the dead.
Merry Christmas!
Hang over just for Adri.
Ski gear in the car
Go to the "little mountains" Jura Mountains
have snow fights and teboggening
Andrew has 1 run on skiis down a Swiss ski slope
Home time
Dinner: Papis Vaudois (leeks, potatoes and swiss sausaage slow cooked)
More Eureka and then bed
Big breakfast
Drove to Gruyere (little Disney-esque village from the middle ages and famous for the Guryere cheese from that region)
H.R. Giger Museum (made me ill, that man needs a hug)
Walked around the icey paths around the castle at Gruyere
Went to the little village at the bottom of the hill from Gruyere and had french fries for lunch topped off with merrenge with Gruyere double cream...there is nothing like it. We all died and went to heaven.
Then we went to Fribourg-and did silly dancing in a park to take photos and avoid dying of the freezing cold -4
Phone Diana and book a train to Milan and then to Venice instead.
meet Joël for fondu in a little fondu specialist resteurant. We each had 200g of melted cheesy goodness. Andrew and I have weird dreams for days.

Saturday: Say sad good byes to Cloe and board the train to Venice 8 hour train journey...yay!
Next stop: Venice!

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